Obama: “Speed up training of ISIL”

“So, with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces”

Det var ordene fra USA’s Præsident Barack Obama den 6. juli 2015, da han talte i USA’s forsvarsministerium Pentagon om situationen i Irak (Læs talen; The White House).

Og hvordan skal vi så fortolke det? Kan man virkelig forestille sig, at en præsident der de seneste par år – angiveligt – som absolut førsteprioritet for hele sit embede, har kastet sig ud i kampen “imod” ISIL, pludselig begår en sådan, som Det Hvide Hus nok gerne selv vil fremstille det, ‘ubetydelig slåfejl’? Det er meget svært at forestille sig.

Vi er derfor gået til Freud og har forsøgt med lidt god gammeldags psykoanalyse:

Freudian slip
In the same way that psycho-analysis makes use of dream interpretation, it also profits by the study of the numerous little slips and mistakes which people make — symptomatic actions, as they are called […] I have pointed out that these phenomena are not accidental, that they require more than physiological explanations, that they have a meaning and can be interpreted, and that one is justified in inferring from them the presence of restrained or repressed impulses and intentions. [Freud, An Autobiographical Study (1925)].